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Poetry of an Improvisation: 1

As many know, I have been studying Improvisation Dance in Germany for the last year and a half which has been a beautifully rich journey. Since the beginning, I was drawn to improvisation for the way it allowed me to connect and develop myself (as both a mover and a person), and for the parallels I found between the dance form and life. Throughout the process I kept multiple journals where I processed and reflected on what I experienced and learned. And although I struggle to put into words all that I find in improvisation, I have molded some of my reflections into a collection of poems.

You can find the first poem of the collection below.

From an improvisational performance of two solos with two objects in one space.  Photo Credit: Irina Bürgi



Don’t move.

Let yourself be.

Take the time to notice.

Don’t worry what the outside eyes think.

Your perception that they are judging your non-movement is merely a perception.

Let yourself listen and you will hear the movement speak to you.

Let yourself listen and you will notice the movement stirring.

Let yourself listen… and at the right moment, it will begin to carry you.

Wait, until it tells you it is time to move.

Because then,

even if they weren’t convinced by your non-movement,

they will be captivated by what you come to say.

Because then,

your movement will be so rich, so real, so true,

so filled with all you have experienced,

that they won’t be able to help but listen to what your body articulates.

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